Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Is Your Brand Likable? 7 B2B Technology Brands Taking a Creative Approach on Facebook


Between Facebook constantly tweaking features to improve user experience and the saturation of posts from every other brand out there, it's becoming increasingly difficult for B2B brands to reach their audience by utilizing Facebook marketing tactics. According to the Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs' B2B Content Marketing: 2016 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends-North America report, 84% of B2B marketers said they used Facebook as a content marketing tactic, but just 30% said their efforts were effective.

But this doesn't mean it's time to abandon the Facebook ship. It's just time to reset your course and put some wind back in your sails. It's time to get creative.

If your brand is only posting promotional messages: Stop. That's not what your audience is looking for and you're probably not seeing much return. Your audience wants to know who you are, what you stand for and what you can offer-beyond a line of products or services.

If you're in need of a little inspiration, here are 10 B2B brands that are getting creative with their Facebook strategy to woo new followers and keep them coming back for more.

#1 – IBM

As one of the largest technology companies in the world, IBM pulled in nearly $82.5 billion in revenue last year, according to the 2016 Fortune 500 List. IBM's Facebook page is filled with inspiring videos, articles and quotes that showcase the amazing innovative technology it's bringing to the world and how's transformed over the. A great example is this video that aims to show IBM as so much more than a company that produces computers. 

The video post got more than 1,200 likes and 571 shares.

The company also offers behind-the-scenes access to give its followers to connect its followers with its technologies and products in action.

IBM Facebook

Like IBM on Facebook.

#2 – Cisco

Cisco does a fantastic job of connecting their products and technologies with current events and topics to drive awareness and engagement. For example, this recent post features a short video that showcases Cisco's partnership with the NBA aimed at improving the fan experience.

Cisco Facebook

Like Cisco on Facebook.

#3 – Sprinklr

Sprinklr is all about helping other businesses harness the power of social media and create valuable social experiences, so it's no wonder that they've put some of what they preach into their own social efforts. When it comes to Facebook, Sprinklr often shares links to topical and interesting blog posts they've whipped up, but videos that show company execs and employees in action drive great engagement.

Sprinklr Facebook

Like Sprinklr on Facebook.

# 4 – Intel

From eye-catching photos and videos to behind the scenes looks, Intel uses Facebook to bring its audience along for the ride and show them how their technology is being used in a variety of different ways-such as providing real-time data at the X-Games in Austin, TX.

Intel Facebook

Like Intel on Facebook.

#5 – Salesforce

From the latest company news to topical articles to videos and images, Salesforce is a great example of offering a Facebook audience a variety of media and links to pique interest.

Salesforce Facebook

Like Salesforce on Facebook.

#6 – McKesson Corporation (client)

On McKesson Corporation's Facebook page, rarely will you see any post promoting a product or service. Instead, the healthcare services and technology company's Facebook page is dedicated to highlighting the people and programs behind McKesson-making it an excellent recruiting tool and a way to show the values the company holds dear.

McKesson Facebook

Like McKesson Corporation on Facebook.

#7 – Facebook for Business

While Facebook for Business is the social media network's marketing page-mostly aimed at showing the value of Facebook advertising-it's definitely worth following to get a look at how other brands are using the ad options to take their efforts to another level, as well as for best practices and tips.

Facebook for Business

Like Facebook Business Manager.

What Do These Facebook Pages Have in Common?

You may or may have not noticed that there is a common thread among all of the B2B technology companies utilizing Facebook marketing listed in this post. That commonality is that they all share engaging content about PEOPLE. Their strategy isn't just about the products and services, it's for the people that buy those products and services.

What other B2B businesses would your recommend following on Facebook? Please share in the comments section below!

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Is Your Brand Likable? 7 B2B Technology Brands Taking a Creative Approach on Facebook | http://www.toprankblog.com

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